Should You Only Be Looking At Clicks And Impressions To Measure The Effectiveness Of Your Ad Campaigns?

In today's competitive e-commerce landscape, understanding the effectiveness of your digital advertising spend is crucial for small business owners. Digital ads often represent a significant portion of expenses and knowing how these investments contribute to the bottom line can make or break a business.

In this article we will talk about the essential metrics and share some strategies to understand both the short-term and the long-term impact of advertising on your business.
From tracking clicks and impressions to evaluating overall store visibility and customer loyalty, we'll cover everything you need to know to optimize your advertising spend and drive growth.

This is the first part of our four-part series, providing an overview of advertising measurements. Stay tuned for our next article, where we'll delve into performing these measurements across different advertising tools and e-commerce platforms.

Assessing the Impact: How Short-Term and Long-Term Advertising Strategies Shape Your Business

Measuring the impact of digital advertising is not just about tracking immediate outcomes. While short-term metrics such as impressions, clicks, ad-attributed sales, and return on ad spend (ROAS) are crucial, they only tell part of the story. These metrics are essential for understanding the immediate performance of your campaigns, gauging shopper receptiveness, and optimizing your ads. However, they are not sufficient on their own.

Long-term impact measurement is equally important. The ultimate goal of advertising is to drive growth and impact the bottom line. To achieve this, businesses must measure store metrics to gain a better view of customer lifetime value and the impact of advertising not directly attributed to campaigns. For instance, one visit attributed to an advertising campaign can later represent a sale not directly attributed to the advertising campaign, or even several sales that will happen over a period of several months. By evaluating both short-term and long-term metrics, you can get a comprehensive view of your advertising effectiveness and make more informed decisions.
To fully harness the potential of advertising campaigns, let's first zoom in on the short-term KPIs that track immediate success and inform advertising strategy adjustments.

The Short-term Impact Metrics of Advertising

Assessing the immediate impact of advertising campaigns is crucial for quick feedback and rapid optimization. Short-term metrics provide insights into the effectiveness of ad content, targeting strategies, and overall campaign performance, allowing marketers to adjust tactics promptly to enhance results.

In the table below, we outline essential short-term metrics, each accompanied by practical examples that demonstrate how they can be actively monitored and leveraged to fine-tune advertising efforts in real time.
These metrics are available in any advertising platform through dashboards and reports, making it easy to monitor and analyze your campaign performance.

Utilizing  A/B Testing for your Ad Campaigns

Running controlled experiments through A/B testing helps measure the impact of specific campaigns or changes. For instance, by testing different elements of your ads, such as headlines, images, and calls-to-action, you can determine which variations perform best and optimize your campaigns accordingly. Although this is not a technique that can be utilized for long-term measurement, it can be effective in identifying the impact of specific campaign changes.

Depending on the budget size, the result of the A/B test might also be influenced by noise, and it's a good practice to run A/A tests and establish a baseline on the number of impressions and clicks that will yield reliable measurement.

While A/B testing and short-term metrics provide immediate insights into the effectiveness of specific campaign elements, understanding the long-term impact of advertising requires a broader approach that examines sustained changes in consumer behavior and business outcomes over time.

The Long-term Impact Metrics of Advertising

A broader perspective is crucial for cultivating lasting customer relationships and driving sustained business growth. The following table details key long-term metrics that provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of advertising strategies over time. In the long-term we look at metrics like CLV, Repeat Purchase Rate, Brand Awareness, Customer Retention Rate, and Net Promoter Score.
Measuring the long-term impact of digital advertising can be challenging, and requires employing a variety of techniques such as time series analysis, regression analysis, machine learning models and exploring different attribution models to understand the impact of different touchpoints in the shopper journey. There are several tools available that enable performing some of these measurements without a deep technical expertise in data science. Google Analytics is the main one, and it provides comprehensive analytics capabilities, including time series analysis and data-driven attribution models. It allows businesses to track and measure key metrics with detailed reports and dashboards.

Leveraging Advertising Insights for Long-Term Business Growth

Continuous Monitoring and Refinement

Integrating the insights gained from both short-term and long-term metrics into your growth strategy is essential. This involves continuous monitoring and refinement of marketing tactics based on data-driven insights.

By understanding the impact of digital advertising on both immediate and sustained business outcomes, SMBs can optimize their marketing strategies for better performance and growth.

Putting It All Together In A User Scenario

Let’s run through a hypothetical scenario to understand how we would use metrics to understand short-term and long-term impact of advertising.

Suppose your analysis reveals that a specific ad campaign drove a significant amount of traffic to your site, but the conversion rate was low. In addition to dissecting short term advertising metrics, we recommend you to monitor your store and website metrics. Metrics such as bounce rate and product page views indicate if your website visitors are engaging with your site and products. Metrics such as add-to-carts and check-outs initiated indicate the intent of your shoppers and also provides a signal on your check-out process. In addition, you should look at metrics outside the ad attribution window. You might discover that many of the website visitors later returned to make a purchase.

The diagram below illustrates a customer journey in response to advertising. It shows the progression from initial traffic through various outcomes such as immediate conversions, delayed decisions, and repeat purchases, effectively demonstrating how different groups of customers interact with ads, from first contact to either one-time or repeated sales.
Customer Journey Visualization from Ad Campaign to Retention


Measuring the impact of digital advertising for e-commerce SMBs requires a comprehensive approach that balances short-term and long-term metrics. By understanding key performance indicators and how they contribute to overall business growth, small business owners can make more informed decisions and optimize their advertising spend. Taking a holistic view of your digital advertising efforts will enable you to drive growth, enhance customer loyalty, and achieve long-term success. By focusing on both immediate and enduring impacts, you can create a sustainable advertising strategy that benefits your business now and in the future.

This is part one of a four-part series of understanding the short-term and long-term impacts of advertising. In the next part, we'll explore how to perform some of the measurements we discussed across different advertising tools such as Meta, Google, and Amazon and eCommerce platforms. Stay tuned to learn more about maximizing the impact of your digital advertising efforts.