4X Hub​

Welcome to 4X Hub! Your go-to resource for small business growth. Here, you'll find in-depth insights and actionable strategies to enhance your digital advertising campaigns, optimize your website, and grow your business. Also, discover more about our innovative product, how it works, and the dedicated team behind it.

Introducing the 4X Series by 4XDigital!​

We are excited to present the 4X Series, a comprehensive four-part series dedicated to exploring crucial topics in digital advertising for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Each series will span a month, with new content released on a weekly basis. Over the course of four weeks, each installment will provide in-depth insights, practical tips, and expert advice to help SMBs navigate the complexities of digital advertising, optimize their advertising strategies, and drive business growth. Join us as we delve into the essential aspects of digital advertising and empower your business with the knowledge to succeed in the digital age.​

Series 1: Measuring the Impact of Advertising for eCommerce SMBs​

Part 1

Should You Only Be Looking At Clicks And Impressions To Measure The Effectiveness Of Your Ad Campaigns?

In today's competitive e-commerce landscape, understanding the effectiveness of your digital advertising spend is crucial for small business owners.
Part 2

How to Effectively Monitor Meta and Google Ads Campaigns

In this article we demonstrate how to capture important short-term metrics across two main ad platforms - Meta & Google. In this comprehensive guide, we re-iterate the metrics of interest and show you how to create your own reports on Meta & Google so you can start monitoring your ads effectively.
Part 3

Key Long-Term Metrics Every Ecommerce Store Should Track to Boost Repeat Purchases

In this article, we’ll break down the key e-commerce metrics you should be tracking to understand the long-term impact of your advertising efforts and how to optimize them for small businesses.

Learn more about how 4XDigital can help!​

At 4XDigital, we understand the unique challenges that small and medium-sized businesses face in the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising. That's why we're excited to showcase how 4XDigital can help you overcome these obstacles. From optimizing ad spend to leveraging AI for better campaign management, our insights and solutions are tailored to empower your business to achieve greater success. Dive into our articles to discover how 4XDigital can transform your advertising efforts and drive measurable results.​

Where is your business on the marketing funnel? ​

It is critical for small and medium-sized e-commerce companies to understand and leverage the marketing funnel. The marketing funnel is a model that illustrates the journey a customer goes through from discovering a brand to becoming a loyal customer.

Generating personalized ad copies

With so many ad channels available, small businesses have more options than ever to reach their customers. However, each ad channel has a unique audience with specific preferences and behaviors.

The Power of Product Insights

At 4XDigital, we partner with a wide range of eCommerce brands. While these brands might vary in size, product categories, age, and sometimes even their growth goals - one thing they all have in common - they all deeply appreciate the product insights we deliver in our tool.

Hear from the team behind 4X!

Komal Singh, Co-founder & CEO
Daniel Oliveira, Co-founder & CTO
Eric Kightley, Science Tech Lead